4 Steps To Growing Spiritually

4 Steps To Growing Spiritually

Christian growth is simple, but that doesn’t mean it is easy. Growing spiritually can feel difficult, so we naturally assume it is complex. This is a dangerous trap that can keep us from health. When we believe the formula for growth is too complex to master, it lets...
Generosity Over Security

Generosity Over Security

Several years ago, my wife and I were having dinner with some dear friends from Roanoke named Nathan and Kristan. They were sharing about their recent trip to Central America to visit their missionary friends. They gushed about the incredible work this missionary was...
Is Scheduled Giving Less Spiritual?

Is Scheduled Giving Less Spiritual?

Recently, I read about a man who was very sick, and he knew that he would not be able to be there for his wife for much longer. As part of his final preparations, he scheduled flower deliveries for his wife on each of their special days including their anniversary,...