Our lives are changed by the generosity of Jesus in the gospel. In response, we live generously. God uses our generosity to make us into disciples and multiply our impact for His kingdom.

Our Generosity Philosophy

God desires to be our deepest desire.

All of life is about God’s glory. He is first and He desires that we seek Him first. This is His good design for us. Generosity is a significant way in which we declare God to be our deepest desire by giving Him our first and best. As we seek Him as our deepest desire, just like a tree does with water, our roots grow deep and our fruit grows wide. (Psalm 1; Prov. 13:12; Mattthew 6:25-33; Colossians 1:15-20)

Generosity fuels the mission.

Financial giving has been a part of the gospel advancing since the New Testament. If all of what we have has been given by God, then all of it is His and is to be stewarded for kingdom impact. We are generous that we may see more peoples proclaim Jesus as Lord. While the leadership sets the vision for what this looks like, it’s the generosity of God’s people that sets the pace in accomplishing the vision that more disciples would be made and more churches multiplied. (Romans 16:1-2; Philippians 4:14-20)

Generosity forms our hearts.

Generosity is not something we do after we grow, but the lead step of our growth in our relationship with Jesus. Practicing financial generosity works to both release our grip on chasing temporary treasures and draw our hearts towards His glory and His kingdom. Giving is not a step to take once we are mature, but a pathway to maturity. (Matthew 6:19-24)

We were made for more than possessions and promotions.

We don’t settle for chasing the temporary when we’ve been given eternity with Jesus. We are excited to live sufficiently and give extravagantly, that our generosity may play a part in making disciples and multiplying churches all over the earth. (Luke 12:13-21; 1 Tim. 6:6-19)

We are blessed to be a blessing.

The gospel compels us to live with eternity in mind, so while we seek to grow in leadership and in financial areas, we do it with kingdom impact in mind. We view ourselves as conduits of blessing to the world around us. As one pastor wrote, “You can’t take it with you but you can send it on ahead.” We seek to invest in kingdom pursuits that will far outlast our generation. (Psalm 67; 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15)

Generosity multiplies the movement.

We were made to multiply. The gospel advances through the multiplication of churches. Practicing financial generosity opens our lives up to be generous in our time talent, and treasure. Practically, it ties our hearts to the kingdom and results in God doing things in and through us we may have never thought possible. When we practice generosity, our funds go towards more people being engaged with the gospel, more baptisms, new campuses and churches planted, and more missionaries sent to the nations. God also uses the act of practicing generosity to open our hearts and call us to take other action steps to multiply as well. (John 6; 2 Corinthians 9:10; Ephesians 3:20)

Generosity Ladder

This tool is designed to help you grow in viewing money not as an idol to be chased, but as a tool for kingdom impact.

Our Generosity Story

Discover the story of generosity woven throughout the life of Mercy Hill. If any of these initiatives have impacted your life, we’d love to hear your story and connect with you!

For His Name


Together Initiative




Deeper Initiative


Share Your Generosity Story!

We know that God is moving in and through the church every day and we want to hear about it! Help us tell your story (or the story of someone you know) by filling out the short form below.

Additional resources and F.A.Q’s

For more generosity resources, details on how your giving is structured, or for financial statement info:

Ways To Give

Online Giving

One time or recurring gifts can be made through our giving portal from your checking, savings, or debit account. Click here to give now!

Automated Giving

Automated giving is one of the easiest and most effective tools to simplify and create consistency in your giving.


In-service/By Text/By Mail


You have the opportunity to give by cash or check in all our services.

By Text

Just text the word GIVE to 87217.

By Mail

You can mail all checks to:

Mercy Hill Church
1317 Pleasant Ridge Road
Greensboro, NC 27409

Non-cash Gifts

Mercy Hill accepts stock and other forms of non-cash gifts.

Provided are instructions to gift securities to Mercy Hill Church:

DTC #0725

Registration: Mercy Hill Church/Operating Account
Account#: 189P9704

Raymond James Mailing:

880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716

Please contact Jeanne Clary if you have any questions.

Not sure what you’re next step is towards financial health? We’ve got you covered! FPU and the resources along with it will set you up to live in financial freedom and intentional generosity. In fact, we value this so much as a church that we are offering it FREE to anyone who registers with us! Register today!