Our Mission

The Mercy Hill Adoption & Foster Care Ministry is about building families the way God builds His! With a goal of having 200 adoptive and foster care families in Mercy Hill by 2025, our vision is for families and individuals to provide gospel-driven care for vulnerable children through four lanes: adoption, foster care, supporting an adoptive or foster care family as a Rope Holder, and being a Guardian ad Litem volunteer.


The gospel is the good news that Jesus has done everything for sinners to be adopted in God’s family. That means whether it’s domestic adoption, international adoption, or foster-to-adopt, adoption is a picture of the gospel!

If God is leading you to step into adoption, please complete this simple form:

Foster Care

Hundreds of children in the Triad need loving families who are willing to open their homes and hearts to them while they await reunification with their parents.

Please complete this simple form if God is calling you to foster care:

Rope Holder

Before missionary William Carey left for India, he famously told his good friend, Andrew Fuller, “I will go down into the pit, if you will hold the ropes.” It’s in that spirit that we are prayerfully raising up rope holders to support adoptive and foster families by way of 1) forming a relationship with an adoptive or foster family, 2) offering resources such as grocery pick-up, transportation, or yard work, or 3) providing licensed respite care.

Everyone cannot foster or adopt, but everyone can help. If God is calling you to help, please complete this form:

Guardian ad Litem

A Guardian ad Litem (GAL) advocate is a trained community volunteer who is appointed, along with a GAL attorney, by a district court judge to investigate and determine the needs of abused and neglected children petitioned into the court system by the Department of Social Services.

Please complete this form if God is leading you to be a GAL advocate:


Man getting baptized at Mercy Hill Church, water tank, pastor
Chosen Interest Dinner 2024

April 19, 2024 | Regional North Campus

Address: 3530 Edgefield Rd. Greensboro, NC 27409

Interested in adoption, fostering, or want to explore ways to support families on the front lines? Join us for dinner as we get a closer look at what God is doing through the Chosen ministry while envisioning your role in seeing families built and restored. Childcare will be provided.
