Welcome, leaders!

Welcome to the 2024 Group Leader Retreat! We’re so glad to have you with us as we dive into what it looks like to live in the abundant life that we have in Christ. Group leading isn’t for the faint of heart, but we are able to remain steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in His work when we are relying on Him as our Living Water. Our prayer is that this retreat will guide you to live a life rooted in God’s abundance, leading your groups with humility, purpose, and the understanding that it is all for His glory. 




7:00pm – Session 1 (Worship Space) 

8:30-10pm – Fall Festivities


8:15-9:30am – Light breakfast & coffee 

9:30-10:15am – Session 2 (Worship Space) 

10:15-10:30 – Break 

10:30-11:15 – Breakout 1  

11:15-11:45 – Boxed Lunch

11:45-12:30 – Breakout 2 (Lunch & Learn) 

12:30-12:45 – Break 

12:45-1:45 – Session 4 (Worship Space) 

Breakout Sessions


Beyond Board Games and Bible Studies

Justin Lucas

What is the secret ingredient to a healthy and vibrant community group? We’ll take a brief look at how leading from authenticity can enhance the interactions and responsiveness in both the relational and spiritual sides of our groups. 

Discipleship in the Desert: Leading Through Seasons of Spiritual Dryness

Natasha Davidson

Are you leading people who feel distant from God or who are struggling to grow spiritually? Do you feel the tension between challenging them and encouraging them? We’ll look at Jesus’ example and teachings to understand how to think about seasons of spiritual dryness and then dive into practical suggestions as you support people who walk through these seasons. 

From Practice to Influence: Spiritual Disciplines for You and Your Group Members

Anna Hopper

How is your daily walk with the Lord shaping your life and influencing the lives of others? We want to be leading our groups out of an overflow of the Lord working in our lives as we are daily abiding with Him. As we do that, we can help cultivate those spiritual disciplines in the lives of those we are leading. We will discuss practical ways to strengthen our personal spiritual disciplines as well as ways we can create a culture of growth in spiritual disciplines within our groups.

Grab the Rope & Don’t Let Go: Supporting Our Adoption and Foster Families

Kyle Smith

Foster and adoptive families take a huge step of faith to care for children and families in need and they often face overwhelming challenges. Having a good support network is vital for these families to thrive. In this breakout, we will discuss how your group can persevere in holding the rope for these families.

Marriage Matters: For Couples Leading a Co-ed Group

Travis Suits

How can you lead your group out of your different strengths? How can leading your group strengthen your marriage? This will be a conversation about both! 

Principios Bíblicos para los Grupos Pequeños en la Iglesia

Javier Herrera

Este taller enseña principios bíblicos para liderar grupos pequeños, siguiendo el modelo de la iglesia primitiva, y promueve el crecimiento espiritual, la unidad y el discipulado. Es ideal para líderes y quienes buscan profundizar en la fe.

The Three Questions Everyone’s Asking

Daniel Thompson

Who am I, where do I belong, and what difference can I make? Everyone in your group needs the answers to these 3 questions. The problem is that most of us are unaware and ill-equipped to answer them. What would happen if we had gospel-centered answers to give them?

Thank you, leaders!