By God’s Design: The Value of Wisdom

This past week, we kicked off a new series at Mercy Hill, By God’s Design, with a look at wisdom and why it’s so valuable. We dug into Proverbs 2:1-15, and the big idea of our first week is: God’s design is called wisdom, and wisdom is extremely valuable. Wisdom is not just about knowing what to do—that’s simply knowledge; wisdom is about joyfully committing to follow God’s plan. Proverbs shows us how God wants us to live. Stepping outside of God’s design brings pain, while living within it leads to a life full of fruit and flourishing. 

This week, we broke the idea of wisdom into three parts—3 G’s, if you will: gaining wisdom, God giving wisdom, and wisdom guarding us from foolishness.

We Should Seek to Gain Wisdom

Wisdom doesn’t just fall into our laps. Proverbs 2:1-4 says we should search for it like hidden treasure. Imagine a garden—there’s a specific design for it to flourish. You need to plant, water, and weed according to the rules of nature. But if you throw the playbook out, you’ll still get a result—it just won’t be a good one. The same is true for our lives: the book of Proverbs, and the whole Bible, points us to the fact that we should seek to gain wisdom.

As I previously stated, wisdom is more than knowledge. It’s not just about knowing the right things; it’s about desiring to follow what God says. Wisdom is knowing God’s design and joyfully committing to follow it. Proverbs 2:1 says to “receive and treasure” God’s commands. It’s about moving from knowing to doing. We receive God’s design for life, and we are to treasure it in our hearts. Christians hear the voice of the Lord through Scripture and desire to incline their hearts to Him. 

The truth is, we will always seek after what we value most. We hustle for money, fame, and relationships, but how often do we seek after God’s design for our lives? Think about this: How are you valuing wisdom in your daily life? Are you digging into Scripture like it’s silver, or is it just an afterthought? As you reflect on your own life, consider that wisdom is treasured before it is acquired.

God Gives Wisdom

The good news is, God isn’t stingy with wisdom. Proverbs 2:6 says, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” And James 1:5 echoes this promise: if you ask for wisdom, God will give it generously.

But here’s the catch: Proverbs aren’t promises. Proverbs are wise sayings that are generally true. They don’t guarantee every outcome, but they give us a guide for how life typically works. Kind of like “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Following wisdom generally leads to flourishing.

However, gaining wisdom from God isn’t just a proverb—it’s a promise. God will give you wisdom if you seek it. This isn’t simply a general truth; it’s a specific promise. I remember how much I prayed for wisdom during COVID when leading our church through shutdowns and decisions around masks and vaccines. God gave us what we needed when we needed it as I got on my knees and begged Him for wisdom daily. What are you facing that requires wisdom? Lean into the promise that God will give it.

Wisdom Guards Us from Foolishness

Lastly, wisdom isn’t just something you acquire—it’s given from the Lord as a guardian. Proverbs 2:11-15 says wisdom will “deliver you from the way of evil.” The wisdom God gives us is a shield, protecting us from the things that can lead to destruction.

Look, none of us are immune to the temptations of this world. Proverbs warns us about the paths of darkness and men of perverted speech. The pull toward wayward living is strong, but wisdom guards us from foolishness. Running hard after wisdom every day keeps us from falling into the foolishness of the world. Another way to say it is this: Practicing health keeps you from infirmity.

I’ll end with an illustration from coaching my son’s football team: the kids on his team fear hitting each other, and ironically, it’s the ones who hold back who end up getting hurt. When we live life half-stepping, that’s when foolishness gets us. The best defense is a good offense—seek after wisdom, and it will guard you.

Application: Value Wisdom and Seek It 

When we boil it all down, it comes to this: Value wisdom and seek it. Two things happen when you do this: God gives it to you, and it guards you from foolishness. Whether it’s financial wisdom, sexual purity, or taming your tongue—God’s design leads to life.

And for those who feel like they’re too far gone, remember this: Jesus died for the fool to become wise. You’re just one prayer away from the journey of the wise life.

So this week, let’s seek wisdom like hidden treasure. God will give it to us, and it will guard our lives from foolishness.

-Andrew Hopper, Lead Pastor

Watch the full sermon from week one of our “By God’s Design” series below:

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