
Colossians 1:12 (ESV)

12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.

The Summer Olympics are one of my favorite things to watch. This year, I got in on the action early by watching a few of the U.S. Olympic trials. Before one athlete started his routine in the men’s gymnastics trials, the commentators recounted his many successes in the sport. After hearing of his numerous awards and championships, I was surprised to learn that he had never made the Olympic team. This elevated my appreciation for how hard it is for these athletes to qualify to become an Olympian. Not only do they have to be among the very best in their sport, but they must also perform at their highest level at the right time.  When an athlete qualifies for the Olympics, this should leave no doubt that they belong on the team. They have met all the requirements under the right conditions. There is nothing they lack. They have qualified.

In Colossians 1:12, the Apostle Paul offers thanks to God because God has qualified the believers in Colossae to receive their portion of the Kingdom of God. This is true for followers of Jesus today. You belong in God’s family. You share in the inheritance of His Son. There is nothing you lack. All the requirements have been met.

Note, of course, that none of us have qualified ourselves for this. God is the one who qualifies us. The only thing we qualify for on our own is God’s wrath. But Jesus took the punishment we deserve upon Himself when He died on the cross. By grace and through faith, He gives us the reward only Jesus deserves.

May Colossians 1:12 instill confidence in you today—not confidence in your own abilities, but confidence in knowing that God has done far more than invited you into His family. He has qualified you to belong there. He has already set His affection on you like His own Son.

-Bryan Miller, Pastor of Care


Watch the full sermon from week 1 of our Colossians series here:

Additional Resources to dive deeper into Colossians:

Jesus is All You Need: A Study in Colossians
This family devotional from The Seeds Project is a great tool to help your children learn how to study this book of Colossians.
Colossians & Philemon for You: Rooting You in Christian Confidence
This expository guide helps you unpack Colossians and Philemon verse by verse.

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