Blessed To Be a Blessing

This past weekend we began our new sermon series, Make and Multiply. As we begin this series, I urged the church to reflect on the journey we’ve been on through the Deeper Initiative over the past two years. God has been doing extraordinary things in our church, and now we’re turning our eyes to the fruit that is to come. Over the course of the Deeper Initiative, we’ve all been wrestling personally with one vital question: Is God the deepest desire of my heart? This question not only shapes our worship but also directly impacts our generosity and involvement in God’s mission.

Two years ago, we set the bold goal of 100% participation in the mission through giving, aiming to raise $30 million to expand our ministries. Now, as we approach the final stretch of this initiative, we believe we are set up for ministry in 5 key areas: baptisms, missions, college students, Chosen, and family ministry. God has given us the infrastructure to scale our ministry, but it all depends on how we finish. We must finish strong!

God Blesses Us to Bless the World

The main point of our first week’s message was clear: God blesses us to bless the world. The blessings in our lives are not just for us to enjoy; they are given to us so that God’s glory can be spread throughout the earth. The Psalmist makes this connection when he says, “May God be gracious to us and bless us…so that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations” (Psalm 67:1-2).

However, sometimes we feel hesitant to ask for blessings. Do you feel weird asking God to bless you? We shouldn’t! The purpose of God’s blessing is not for us to hoard it but to leverage it for His mission. It’s not weird for you to ask God to bless you if you understand what the blessing is connected to. Our theology must be correct here. We have a heavenly Father who wants to bless us! Ask him for blessing, and then enjoy Him through it. Then point to Him, and show others the enjoyment of Him through it as well!

The Blessings We’ve Received

So, how has God blessed you? This is the wrestling match for us today. Think about the many ways He has provided for you, whether it’s through family, a job, health, or even spiritual gifts. Over the last two years, as we’ve committed to going deeper, many of us have experienced life changes—new children, new jobs, debt freedom, deeper faith, or new friendships. God doesn’t waste the hard things, either. Every blessing we’ve received is part of a greater purpose. Anything you have, anything you do, and anything you are—it’s all from the Lord.

Take a moment to reflect personally. Is it possible that you’ve disconnected the blessing from the purpose? This is the question we all must grapple with. God blesses us so that we can make His glory known. Whether it’s through leveraging our time, talents, finances, or influence, the application for us is clear: leverage your blessings for God’s glory. If we’ve disconnected our blessings from their purpose, the fastest way to put them back together is to think about the greatest blessing in our lives: If you are a believer, the greatest blessing in your life is that you are no longer dead in your sin. The biggest blessing for all of us is the gospel—the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus for us. Out of this good news, every other blessing we receive should serve the same purpose: to glorify God and spread His name.

The Call to Action

As we reflect upon and remember the infinite blessings we have in the gospel, it’s crucial to remember the immense task before us: there are 2.5 billion people who have little to no access to the gospel. If the church doesn’t go, they won’t hear. Romans 10 reminds us, “How will they believe unless they hear? And how will they hear unless someone preaches? And how will they preach unless someone is sent?”

In Acts 1:8, Jesus commands us to preach the gospel from here to the uttermost parts of the earth. In Matthew 25, Jesus says that the gospel will be preached in the whole world before the end comes. In Revelation 5, we see a people from every tribe, tongue, and nation represented before the throne. And what’s standing in between that reality and today is that the church is not mobilizing the way it could be. Your purpose and joy are to worship God and spread the worship of God. This involves missions, yes, but missions is actually not the ultimate aim of the church; worship is the ultimate aim of the church!

So church, as we worship, we are called to pray, give, and go. Whether it’s sending others, going ourselves, or giving generously, we all have a role to play. As we wrap up the Deeper Initiative, we have a chance to be set up for sending 500 missionaries by 2032. But much of that depends on how we finish. Let’s be a church that leverages every blessing for God’s glory. We’re not an audience; we’re an army for God’s mission. Will you join in?

-Andrew Hopper, Lead Pastor

Watch the full sermon from week one of our “Make and Multiply” series below:

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