Lust of the Eyes: Understanding Jesus’ Teaching on Sexual Purity

This weekend, we continued our sermon series titled “Let’s Be Clear.” In a culture that often promotes confusion and hostility toward Christianity, it’s crucial for believers to stand firm and proclaim truth with clarity. The theme verse for this series is Proverbs 25:25-26:

“Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain nis a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.”

God has called us to clarity, not compromise. As followers of Christ, we need the courage to live out and speak the truth in love—even when it’s uncomfortable. Each week, we’re tackling a different topic to bring biblical clarity to confusing and controversial issues, and this week we tackled the topic of lust.

Pop culture is porn culture. Lust is no longer censored—it’s celebrated. From grocery store aisles to streaming services, we’re constantly surrounded by a culture that rejects God’s design for sexuality and promotes a distorted view of intimacy.

In this second sermon of the series, we focused on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:27-30, where He addresses the heart behind the sin of adultery. Jesus makes it clear that it’s not just about outward actions but about what happens internally. Lust is not only sinful but destructive to our lives and relationships. The big idea of the sermon was that the lust of the eyes is sinful and destructive.

The Bible’s Sexual Ethic: Valuing Sex More, Not Less

The world often views the Bible’s sexual ethic as restrictive or outdated, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Jesus wasn’t trying to kill joy by warning against lust; He was protecting something valuable. Christians hold a strict sexual ethic because the Bible teaches us to value it more, not less. From the beginning, God designed sex to be far more than physical—it’s spiritual and covenantal. It’s meant to be a gift within the boundaries of marriage, reflecting oneness and lifelong commitment. Sex is a beautiful picture of the oneness and unity in the gospel itself.

In fact, the Bible isn’t prudish about sex; it’s profound. From the creation story itself, we see that God designed sex to be something beautiful and significant. It’s not a mere transaction, but rather sex by God’s design is the sealing and celebration of a covenant. In marriage, a man and a woman promise themselves to each other for life, and sex is a renewal of that promise, uniting them in every aspect of life—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Taking Drastic Measures Against Sin

Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:29-30 are visceral: “If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away.” He isn’t advocating self-harm; He’s illustrating the seriousness of sin and the drastic measures we must take to avoid it. Compromise isn’t an option. Don’t compromise with sexual sin. When it comes to sexual sin, there can’t be negotiating; sin must be destroyed. Smash the phone, get accountability software, confess your sin, and fight it like your life depends on it—because it does.

Application: Turn from Lust and Turn to Jesus

The call is not only to run away from sin but to run to Jesus. He’s the one who can cleanse us and give us victory. Turn from lust and turn to Jesus. If you’re feeling crushed by guilt and shame, remember that grace and mercy are available through the cross. Jesus lived a perfect life and died for all our sins, including sexual sin, so that we could be forgiven and made new.

Years ago, my son AP had pink eye in both eyes. One morning, he woke up unable to open them because it hurt so much. What strikes me even many years later is how quickly he resigned himself to blindness, asking me to turn on his Ninja Turtles show so he could listen to it instead of watching it! Unfortunately, I told him that wasn’t an option, and we had to get his fist-sized eyes open. After some coaxing, he opened his eyes despite the pain and was able to see. This is what it’s like for those trapped in sin—the light hurts at first, but it’s necessary for healing.

You may feel like you’re at a hopeless point in your battle with sin—that you’re in checkmate, with no way out. But the good news is, the King has one more move. Jesus offers a way out of sin and into freedom, and His way is confession and repentance.

Confess, repent, and turn away from sin. Don’t just run away from lust—run to Jesus. Groups and community are vital in this fight, so don’t fight alone. As James 5:16 reminds us, “Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” Let’s walk in the light and trust in the grace of Jesus to transform us.

-Andrew Hopper, Lead Pastor

Watch the full sermon from week two of the “Let’s Be Clear” series below:

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