How to Pray for Afghanistan

Since we prayed in our services last weekend, the events in Afghanistan have become increasingly more tragic with the loss of U.S. service members. Pastor Andrew wrote this blog before these most recent events took place, and the intention was to pray over the secret church and the Christians in Afghanistan. We need to be continually in prayer for our brave men and women who are in harm’s way during these evacuations.

I wanted to post the prayer voiced in last weekend’s gathering to spur our congregation on to pray for our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan this week. Persecution is something the church expects. Jesus said in Mark 13 that Christians will be arrested and delivered up to the authorities. Paul bore the marks of physical persecution in his body and mentions in Galatians 6. In the end, the Prostitute of Babylon becomes drunk on the blood of the martyrs in Revelation 17. Persecution of the Christian faith is a matter of when, not if.

“Persecution of the Christian faith is a matter of when, not if.”

With that in mind, our hearts and prayers turn to our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan. Reports are obviously muddled on exactly what is happening where. But I think it is fair to say that Christians in Afghanistan face real persecution and will continue to do so as the world’s eye eventually moves on from this region. Even before the evacuations, Afghanistan was one of the hardest places on earth to be a Christian. So as we did this past weekend, let us pray for their faith, God’s saving hand, and God’s glory even amidst suffering and loss.

“Father move. In your power, we pray that you would miraculously save believers in Afghanistan from violence and evil. Stop the Taliban from committing evil against your sons and daughters. But father, if it is not in your will to show your mighty hand in that way, then show it in another. Give the secret church in Afghanistan courage and faith. Father, I pray that in trying to stamp Christianity, as regimes have done for 2,000 years, it would only serve to spread it like wildfire. May an unbelieving world marvel at what your children are willing to give up for the treasure in the field. May it speak to your value, worth, and supremacy. God use this for your glory as our brothers and sisters fill up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ by making the Gospel known even in their suffering.”

-Andrew Hopper

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