By God’s Design: The Endgame of Sexual Sin

This week, we continued our “By God’s Design” sermon series through the book of Proverbs by diving into Proverbs 5:1-19. The topic? Sexual sin and the consequences that come from either following God’s design for sex or rejecting it. The big idea for this message is simple: Following God’s design for sex leads to flourishing, but rejecting His plans leads to destruction.

God’s blueprint for sex is like a well-crafted set of architectural plans. If you were with us on Sunday, you saw me hold up the massive plans we currently have for the construction of the Ridge campus. I kid you not, that thing must weigh about 25 pounds! The Ridge manual consists of hundreds of pages documenting every wire, every bolt, and every tiny detail to be just right. When we stick to His design, we flourish. But what happens when we go rogue, when we think we can slap things together on our own terms? Absolute chaos. And when it comes to sex, the stakes are even higher.

Does “Keep Your Way Far” Characterize Your Attitude Toward Sexual Sin?

Proverbs 5:8 gives us a warning loud and clear: Stay far away from sexual temptation. Does the instruction to “keep your way far,” as we see in the text, characterize your attitude toward sexual sin? “Keep your way far” doesn’t mean flirting with danger; it means running from it. Imagine knowing something is dangerous and playing around with it anyway. Like having a rattlesnake as a pet—it’s only a matter of time before it bites. You don’t see how close you can get to the edge; you build barriers, draw lines, and stay far away.

What might this look like for you personally today? I urge you here to be real with yourself. Are you fast-forwarding through inappropriate scenes in shows or following borderline social media accounts? Proverbs calls us to be serious about sexual sin. Honestly ask yourself today: Are you “keeping your way far” from sexual temptation and sin, or are you inching closer to destruction?

Proverbs and the Choices We Make 

The book of Proverbs has much to do with the choices we make. Our choices around sexual purity fall under this. We often hear people rationalizing their behavior with excuses: “Life is stressful,” “Work is hard,” or “We’re just in a tough season.” But at the end of the day, Proverbs tells us that most of our destruction comes from our own choices. It’s not always someone else’s fault; sometimes, we just hate discipline and despise reproof (Proverbs 5:12).

We don’t like waking up early, but we love the results of hard work, don’t we? And just like in every other area of life, discipline in sexual matters yields results—life-giving, flourishing results.

Being Serious About Sex in Marriage Guards You Against Sex Outside of Marriage

Proverbs isn’t just about ‘don’ts’; it’s also about ‘dos.’ God’s design for sex within marriage isn’t about robbing us of joy—it’s about enhancing it. Intimacy is a gift, and taking it seriously within marriage protects us from the dangers outside of it. Proverbs 5:18 says, “Rejoice in the wife of your youth,” and that’s exactly what we’re called to do. Sex in marriage is not just about physical bodies colliding; it’s a soul-mingling expression of oneness.

So, how serious are we about guarding intimacy in marriage? The world undersells it—sex becomes transactional. But God’s design is so much more—it’s meant for oneness and joy.

Application: Joyfully Follow God’s Design for Sex 

So, what’s your next step? Are you going to go for the “Bubba truck and a shovel” approach, slapping things together, or are you ready to follow God’s carefully designed blueprint for sexual flourishing? Here’s the good news: Jesus is a friend to sexual sinners. If your past is messy or if you’re currently struggling, you’re not too far gone. You and I deserve the destruction that comes from sin, but Jesus took that on Himself. He was consumed so we wouldn’t have to be. He was pierced so we could be reborn. If you’ve been caught up in sexual sin, the way out is through Christ. He offers a fresh start, and in Him, we can find purity.

For those who are single, remember that Jesus lived the most fulfilled life ever—and He died a 33-year-old virgin. Living into your identity in Christ might look like becoming passionate about purity and walking in His fulfillment, even without sex.

For married couples, it’s time to have the conversation. Are you drinking from your own cistern? Is intimacy something you’re cultivating in your marriage? God designed sex to be a gift within marriage, and when we embrace that design, we protect ourselves from what’s outside.

-Andrew Hopper, Lead Pastor

Watch the full sermon from week two of our “By God’s Design” series below:

Additional Resources on Overcoming Sexual Sin

For Adults:

Harvest USA

Harvest USA has an array of resources aimed to bring the power of Christ to transform our lives from the effects of sexual sin. 

For Students:

Needed Navigation: A Teen’s Guide to His or Her Identity in Christ in a Sex & Porn-Filled World by Noah Filipiak

This book by Pastor Noah Filipiak offers a grace-based approach to overcoming pornography addiction, addressing deeper issues and providing a Christ-centered path to overcoming addiction.

For Parents:

Raising Sexually Faithful Kids by Harvest USA

Free online course that includes 3.5 hours of video content plus additional resources to equip parents to train up their child regarding sex and sexuality.

Safeguards: Shielding Our Homes and Equipping Our Kids by Julie Lowe


Bark Phones

Customizable phone with text and social media monitoring built-in. Allows more parental control when introducing your child to a smart phone.

For Kids Ages 3-6:

Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr. by Kristen Jenson


God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies by Justin Holcomb and Lindsey Holcomb


God Made Boys and Girls: Helping Children Understand the Gift of Gender by Marty Machowski


For Kids Ages 7-12:

Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids by Kristen Jenson


The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality by Luke Gilkerson


For Victims:

On the Threshold of Hope: Opening the Door to Healing for Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Diane Langberg


For Anyone:


Accountability software to healthy transparency.

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