The Guiding Star: 25 Days of Christmas

Christmas is a wonderful time to recenter your life on the gospel. At Mercy Hill Church, our “25 Days of Christmas” series is an opportunity to do just that. This series provides a strategic time to refocus on what truly matters. As the year ends, we can turn our attention to God and what he did for us in the gospel.

25 Days of Christmas Series Overview

What do we celebrate at Christmas? That Jesus came to save sinners. The Son of God became a man so that men could become the sons of God. We only have a relationship with God, a future in heaven, and a purpose in this life because Jesus came for us. The resurrection is the greatest event in all of human history. That is true enough, but it never would have happened without Jesus Christ taking on flesh and being born into this world in the first place. Let’s end the year by dwelling deeply on what this glorious truth means for us and our families.

This year, we’re aligning our weekend sermons with daily devotional readings from Desiring God’s Good News of Great Joy Advent devotional by John Piper. It’s our hope that this series helps establish rhythms that carry into the new year. By leaning into the rituals of Christmas, we’re calling our church to engage deeply with the Word of God and to consider the themes of love, peace, and joy that are fulfilled in Christ.

If you haven’t signed up for the 25 Days of Christmas devotional, it’s not too late! We’re calling upon the church for 100% participation, and we’d love for you to jump in. Text JOY to 87217, and join us as we anticipate the birth of Jesus and grow in Him together this season.

Sermon Recap: The Guiding Star

This week, we explored Matthew 2:1-6, which recounts the story of the magi following a star to find Jesus. The guiding star reminds us that God exerts his global influence to lead the nations to Jesus.

Key Points

• God exerts his global influence to bring the nations to himself. From the birth of Christ, God has been moving history and nature to fulfill his mission: making disciples of all nations. The book of Matthew begins with this global mission and ends with the Great Commission, revealing God’s heart for the nations.
• He created us so that we could glorify him by enjoying him. God didn’t create us out of need or loneliness but to glorify him through our lives. Yet humanity rebels against this purpose, choosing to worship creation rather than the Creator. The penalty for sin is eternal death, but through Jesus, we can be born again into a new family.
• Jesus came in a manger but was destined for a cross to pay the price for our sin. The magi weren’t part of God’s people, but God was making them so. In the same way, through Jesus, we are brought into God’s family from all nations, tribes, and tongues.
• God moved heaven to draw people on earth. The star in Matthew 2 was a miraculous sign, but it wasn’t the end of the story. The magi followed the star, but Scripture ultimately led them to Jesus. What we start to see in a sign, we fully see in Scripture. Signs can take many forms today—a life shake-up, a new relationship, a diagnosis, or even unexpected success. These may draw us near, but it’s Scripture that brings us to Jesus. The sign leads to the Scripture, and the Scripture leads to the Son.

Application: Follow God as He Draws the Nations

God’s mission didn’t end with the magi. The star led the nations to come; now, the Spirit leads us to go. As followers of Christ, we are called to join his mission:

• Be on a Go Team. Consider participating in one of Mercy Hill’s short-term mission trips in 2025.
• Give generously. Year-end giving supports the mission of bringing the gospel to the nations. Would you pray about giving generously at the end of the year, especially as we conclude our two-year Deeper Initiative?
• College students: Make the call to commit to City Project or our Residency program in 2025.
• Pray intentionally. Include a prayer component in your routine for our sent ones. If you’d like to apply this like our family, consider praying for our missionaries every Monday!

The magi traveled 800 miles to meet Jesus. Today, the Spirit compels us to take the gospel to the nations. Let’s follow God’s lead and be part of his global mission. This Christmas season specifically, let’s reflect on how God moves heaven and earth to draw people to himself. The guiding star reminds us that God’s plan is global and eternal, and we’re invited to join in. Are you ready to follow?

-Andrew Hopper, Lead Pastor

Watch the full sermon from week two of our “25 Days of Christmas” series below:

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